Thursday 16 February 2012

Oxytocin: Use Your Love Hormone To Get Healthy

Make today the perfect time to pump up your love hormone levels to help you reduce cravings and ease stress. Oxytocin which is commonly dubbed the “love” hormone or “cuddle” hormone plays important roles in reproduction and relationships but also contains many benefits we can use to our advantage. Oxytocin is the hormone that gives us sexual arousal, form attachments, protect and breastfeed our young, and foster generosity and empathy. It is a good-mood hormone that feels good and promotes bonding and connecting.
As for physiological and psychological benefits it has many. Oxytocin, the good-mood hormone can counteract the negative consequences of the bad-mood hormone cortisol. Cortisol, the stress hormone, although has its importance in the hormonal system can put our physical and mental health at risk if levels are chronically elevated. Oxytocin has the ability to calm us down and reduce our blood pressure which will enable us to manage stress. This is helpful to those who turn to food or alcohol to relax, comfort and soothe raw or wired nerves after a tough day.
There are natural methods to induce oxytocin such as hugging, kissing, touching, talking with someone you care about. A ten-second hug while breathing deeply will instantly reduce your blood pressure. Even looking fondly at a picture of a loved one can bring on a flow of oxytocin. Oxytocin is not only for people who have partners or family members at their disposal. Social networking, playing with a pet, dancing and singing can also raise oxytocin levels. Volunteer work and donating to a charity close to your heart also assists producing oxytocin.
Religion and spirituality can also awaken mellow oxytocin levels by feeling grateful for all the blessings you have received. Feelings of gratefulness breeds happiness and well-being. Also connecting with a higher being brings forth feelings of purpose and meaning which generate good-mood chemicals. Rick Warren, a pastor of the Saddleback Church, devised a get-healthy plan with his congregation which has reached media attention and resulted in being featured on the Dr. Oz show. The community support and love of God and one another has created powerful benefits for the Saddleback members.
The benefits of oxytocin are being recognized so much that a nasal spray has been designed to instantly spike up levels. Oxytocin is being used for improved sleep, enhanced memory, stress-management, increased healing, pain relief and reducing blood pressure and cravings. We have the ability to naturally produce oxytocin for free so use it to your advantage and put more thought and love into your relationships so you can feel good, manage stress or lose weight.

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