Wednesday 7 December 2011

"Maybe Santa, Skip The Cookies"

Santa Clause is no doubt one of the most loved big jolly old guy in the world.  When we see a big white-haired, white-bearded older man in a red suit we immediately think of Santa and it puts warm glow in our hearts.  Now if we saw this image of an older gentleman in the off-season, we would probably think that this big guy needs to think about taking off a bit of weight for the sake of his heart.  Although it may be rude to suggest that Santa is obese but it is hard to ignore he has a weight issue.   It is easy to see how this would come about with all the cookies and milk he consumes in one single night.  I see Type 2 Diabetes in the making.  A Diabetic not managing his diet is in serious risk of heart disease, Alzheimer’s and other forms of inflammation. I wonder when the last time he got his blood pressure checked as Christmas is a stressful season and with the extra weight he is carrying, I’m just saying. Another common feature of high-blood pressure is rosy cheeks which may also may be due to the cold winter wind but I think it would be wise to get it checked just in case.
Santa is not a very healthy image of a senior citizen.  Physically there are some concerns and they need to be addressed by the elves as they may be his potential care providers in the very near future.  He already needs help taking off his boots.  Also Mrs. Claus should explore some new healthy cookbooks and think about she and husband joining a walking club (give the reindeers a break) to ensure healthy aging.  I am confident in saying that hearing about Santa having heart issues or losing his ability due to chronic disease to continue his tradition of giving gifts would devastate the world.  Santa being so relied on to bring Christmas to children would also cause him some emotional distress if he could not carry out his duty Christmas Eve.  This would be a great loss to him putting him at risk of depression.
As much as Santa is the big jolly icon of Christmas, we want him to be around for a long, long time.  Would it be too much to ask of ourselves to write letters to Santa telling how much he is loved and how his health and quality of life mean to us as well.  It would only take a couple minutes of our time to save a very important person to us.  Also maybe skip putting out the cookies……

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